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The Forum for Bioimaging Facilities and Biomedical Technology Innovation Was Held Smoothly


On April 27, 2023, the first parallel forum of the "Guangming Science City Forum"—— the Forum for Bioimaging Facilities and Biomedical Technology Innovation, which was jointly held by Shenzhen Bay Laboratory and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, went off well in the multi-functional lecture hall of Guangming Culture & Art Center. The forum was hosted by Ren Qiushi, a Senior Principal Investigator from the Biomedical Engineering Institute of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory.

Targeted at international frontier issues like the diagnosis and treatment of critical diseases, and high-end medical equipment development, the forum focuses on the innovative application of major technology infrastructure for biological imaging across the world, frontier technology development of biological medicine, construction of the innovation conversion system, etc., and demonstrates remarkable breakthroughs in the fields of precision medical imaging technology, critical disease diagnosis and treatment technology, biological medicine technology, health information technology and medical equipment. Academician Luo Qingming, Academician Wang Qiuliang and other top experts and scholars at home and abroad have been invited to jointly explore issues regarding the construction of major science and technology infrastructure, frontier science and technology development, innovative achievements of science and technology, etc.


Hu Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, noted that the Laboratory had made prominent achievements in the research and development of biological imaging facilities as well as biomedical innovation. Numerous achievements developed by the Biomedical Engineering Institute of the Laboratory had been installed and put to use in hospitals, and would be industrialized in the near future. At present, the Laboratory has made substantial progress in the transformation of innovative drugs in terms of anti-tumor drugs, fatty liver treatment, acute heart failure, diabetes, and so on, which signifies a promising market with a huge potential. In the future, we need to further explore the conversion approach for scientific and technological innovations and achievements in the fields of biomedical imaging and biomedicine, in order to truly implement these cutting-edge technologies and benefit the cause of human health care.

At the invitation of the Laboratory, internationally renowned scholars of radioactive medicine, including Professor Kong Fanyuan, presented extraordinary reports. Representatives of Senior Principal Investigators from the Laboratory, Peng Qiyu and Shen Weijun, respectively made academic reports on "The development history, latest progress and future prospects of PET molecular imaging equipment", and "From lab table to bedside, new paradigm for new drug development of scientific research institutes".


The successful convening of this forum has made greater contributions to accelerating the development of scientific and technological innovations in the fields of biomedical imaging and biomedicine, enhancing the international influence of the Greater Bay Area, and speeding up the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center of global significance.


"Bay Charm" officially launched

On December 4th, the opening ceremony and biomedical industrial innovation salon of Bay Charm (Guangming Biomedical Innovation Center) was held at the Weiguang Life Science Park.
